MyMasterpiece. ^^
Thursday, June 11, 2009@ 2:14 AM by AmandaTan

Okay, This is what i do when i am super bored.
:DHAAHH. See what i did. ^^
So nice la ! I did study for today. I am so happy. (: At least i did something. ^^
Well, 7 more days to Sean's Birthday !(:
Reply of tags here. (:
('&Germainee - No lor. You cute. ^^ And BigBigBig Chiobu la. ^^
CY-N (: - HAHAHA, I KNOW. He say he likes/wants fierce image. LOL. He too noob already. (: Cannot be fierce. Can be cute only. ^^ He also got scold me. Still hate me. LOL.
CY-N (: - No lor. He will. He got scold me. LOL. He still say he hates me. LOL.
CY-N (: - I know ah. ^^ Nice leh. I also cut. But, i super fedup with the hairdresser la. Well. I told you already. (: Dont Omg, Its nice ! :D
CY-N (: - Nope, I go your blog, see your fringe like shorter leh. Then i know you cut your hair already. (:
Hidayah - Sad la. LOL. Go out real soon ! ^^
('& Germainee - You are welcome ! ^^
Najihah - Welcome ! (:
I have done the quiz tagged by Elisha.
But i dont want to post it up. (:
HAHAH, Stupid.
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