Reply tags. (:
Saturday, April 25, 2009@ 5:44 AM by AmandaTan
Reply of tags, which is longlong time ago. (:
Joycelyn- Ya, i seriously miss those times. D:
Cynthia- Hehehe, Thanks. (:
Cheechong- No, its your first time. (:
Ulrica- Haha, Long time ago alrdy. (:
Nadiah- Yes baby. (:
Sweewee- Thanks. (:
Cheechong- Thanks. (:
Joshua- Linked you. (:
Germainee- Chiobu ah ! (: Hahahah. ;DDD
Cynthia- Hahah, i am posting soonnn. ;DDDDDD
Xiangwoon- Okayy. (: Posting soonn. (:
Ulrica- Hello. (: I miss you too. (: Oh. hahhaha. ;DDD
Syuhada- Hello Loves ! (: Okay ! Take photo. ;DD
Azizah- Hello. AZIZAH. hahah. ;DDD
Clara- Thanks, (: Hahaha, (:
Thats all for today.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009@ 1:17 AM by AmandaTan
Its been a long time since i went online.
Will not be going online so often now.
Exams are coming.
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Phone locked. -.-
Saturday, April 11, 2009@ 8:32 PM by AmandaTan
My phone is locked because of my sister.
Go and put the pin number, then forget the number. -.-
Tried three times and change to PUK code. -.-
Need to call singtel helpline to get the code.
Was finding the number for it.
Called Xiangwoon, as he also uses singtel.
But he got training. -.-
Ended up getting nothing. LOL.
Asked NOOB ROOSTER, (: Whats the number for singtel.
He knews. LOL !
Hero did the first thing by saving people. (:
Going out with my relatives later. (:
I am going to burn a BIGBIGBIG hole in my Auntys pocket. (:
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My sister singing lovesong. (: Maybe she is inlove. (:
Friday, April 10, 2009@ 9:17 PM by AmandaTan
Hello. (:
Going for family gathering at my grandmother house later.
Going to see my cousins again. LOL !
Sleep at 5 plus at yesterday and sleep all the way till his morning.
Woke up, ate chocolates. (:
Syf is in 3 more days, and we are left with 1 more practice.
Joycelyn told me that she is going to come on monday to see our dance. (:
Miss those time at Genting.
When Jasmine, Joycelyn and me went shopping, eating pizza, talking bad about others, LOL dancing together, encouraging each other when we are going in stage to dance, taking photos together, sleeping together, (:
Seriously miss those times.
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Syf in 6 days and 2 more practices.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009@ 8:14 AM by AmandaTan
Hello. (:
As you see, i changed my blogskin.
6 more days to Syf, and 2 more practices.
Nervous. D:
Going to UCC tomorrow, and we are left with only one practice left.
14th April is our Syf.
Work hard ! Dancers. (:
Not going to update my blog so much now,
Exams are round the corner and Syf is here.
Not enough time to rest, (:
But i will come back. (:
Cynthia's advise/ experience. (:
One logic which i experienced it .
Dont' ever wait till lose that person than regret .
you'll only started losing that person then you'll realised how important him/her is to you .
Sounds logical to me, LOL. (:
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Stupid stairscase. -.-
Friday, April 3, 2009@ 6:33 AM by AmandaTan
I have a sudden urge to private my blog.
Went to school limping. LOL
Hate the staircase, as it hurts alot when i go down.
So many people thought that i ingured my right leg, as it looks swollen. But, it is left leg.
Walked so slowly.
Went for recess, again, stairscase. -.-
Big one, this time.
Brought food, finally. (:
Ate half only, and ended up throwing everything.
Dontknow why i cant continue eating, hahah.
After school, went home, as i need to pick my sister up.
Went for dance, but did not dance.
Seriously, my leg got to recover by monday, MUST.
Syf is in one weeks time.
All blanks.
Think i cannot do it..
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Sprained my leg. D:
Thursday, April 2, 2009@ 6:41 AM by AmandaTan
School was normal.
After school,
Stay back with Meris, Elisha, Shiqi and Angie. (:
Went to library, as Shiqi and Angie have ACT for chinese. (:
Told so many jokes there. (:
Best joke of the year goes to Meris Ng Jing Wen. (:
MasterBedRoom ya. (:
After that, went for prefect meeting,
Then went for dance.
After dance, went to the music room with hidayah and Ms chong. (:
We went to put the speaker and wings.
Afterthat, went home with hidayah.
On the way home, when i was alone,
I tripped over something and i twisted my leg.
And hence, now,
I sprained my leg.
Syf is round the corner, and i injured my leg.
Hope it recover faster, infact, it must recover faster, *Laughs.
I wonder how i go to school tomorrow, *Laughs.
Flirt is all you can do. Everytime, you confirm is with girls.
At first, is one girl. After that, is ONE BUNCH.
Idontknow whether is people flirt you, Or, you flirt people.
Really cannot stand you anymore. IDontWantToCareAnymore.
Its a waste of time. I rather spent my time on other things,
I am so fedup, or rather should i say, dissapointed over you. -.-
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Happy birthday to Shafiq Medrie. (:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009@ 7:07 AM by AmandaTan
School was okay.
April Fools Day. (:
Meris left for SYF,
So, left with me and Faye.
Normal lessons,
Nothing special happened.
DnT, practical. (:
Faye did something so funny,
And left me with the mess. (: LOL
Lastly, I want to wish the guy below,
A Happy 13th Birthday! (:
Birthday present, give you later, (:
I will surely give. (:
Just wait alright. (:
Takecare uh,
Shafiq. (:
Keep your wide smiles there.

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