Sprained my leg. D:

School was normal.
After school,
Stay back with Meris, Elisha, Shiqi and Angie. (:
Went to library, as Shiqi and Angie have ACT for chinese. (:
Told so many jokes there. (:
Best joke of the year goes to Meris Ng Jing Wen. (:
MasterBedRoom ya. (:
After that, went for prefect meeting,
Then went for dance.
After dance, went to the music room with hidayah and Ms chong. (:
We went to put the speaker and wings.
Afterthat, went home with hidayah.
On the way home, when i was alone,
I tripped over something and i twisted my leg.
And hence, now,
I sprained my leg.
Syf is round the corner, and i injured my leg.
Hope it recover faster, infact, it must recover faster, *Laughs.
I wonder how i go to school tomorrow, *Laughs.

Flirt is all you can do. Everytime, you confirm is with girls.
At first, is one girl. After that, is ONE BUNCH.
Idontknow whether is people flirt you, Or, you flirt people.
Really cannot stand you anymore. IDontWantToCareAnymore.
Its a waste of time. I rather spent my time on other things,
I am so fedup, or rather should i say, dissapointed over you. -.-

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