My sister singing lovesong. (: Maybe she is inlove. (:
Friday, April 10, 2009@ 9:17 PM by AmandaTan
Hello. (:
Going for family gathering at my grandmother house later.
Going to see my cousins again. LOL !
Sleep at 5 plus at yesterday and sleep all the way till his morning.
Woke up, ate chocolates. (:
Syf is in 3 more days, and we are left with 1 more practice.
Joycelyn told me that she is going to come on monday to see our dance. (:
Miss those time at Genting.
When Jasmine, Joycelyn and me went shopping, eating pizza, talking bad about others, LOL dancing together, encouraging each other when we are going in stage to dance, taking photos together, sleeping together, (:
Seriously miss those times.
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