Thats when i love you. (:
Went to school today.
Was late.
Went back to classroom,
Science, then ce, geography, then two free periods of PE. (:
Went home after that,
Did not bring pe.
Dance, It was well done. (:
Keep it up ! (:
Takecare of yourself kay, Amelea. (:
Takecare of your leg. (:
Get well soon. (:
Chior was with us too.
They had Speechday.
Syf coming.
Band Syf, Wednesday.
Went home with hidayah. (:
Touching lyrics. (:
When you have to look away
When you don't have much to say
That's when I love you
I love you
Just that way
To hear you stumble when you speak
Or see you walk with two left feet
That's when I love you
I love you endlessly
And when you're mad cause you lost a game
Forget im waiting in the rain
Baby I love you
I love you anyway
Cause here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
Cause that's when I love you
When nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you
When I love you no matter what
So when you turn to hide your eyes
Cause the movie, it made you cry
That's when I love you
I love you a little more each time
And when you can't quite match your clothes
Or when you laugh at your own jokes
That's when I love you
I love you more than you know
And when you forget that we had a date
Or that look that you give when you show up late
Baby I love you
I love you anyway
Cause here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
Cause that's when I love you
When nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you
When I love you no matter what
That's when I love you
When nothing baby
Nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn the more i love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you
When I love you
No matter what
No matter what
When a person is going to fall in love with a person,
He/She saw you with a bunch of boys/girls.
JEALOUSY is what he/she have. (:
Then, you will start to think if you guys matches. (:
Dont ever think this way.
Because, if you are jealous,
It means that you love him/her. (:
You love him/her DEEPLY.
You told yourself that you guys dont match, which is not true. (:
Then, you will ask yourself to stop loving him/her.
Afterthat, You start love him/her again.
And, you saw the same thing repeating again.
And, it is like a cycle, repeating itself.
It is like the same whole thing, showing up again.
Jealousy is the whole thing. (:
Last thing,
The whole thing is that,
No mather what happen to you and your another half,
Dont give up. (:
Because sometimes, Jealousy is a good thing.
Infact, it is. (:
It is not a bad thing at all. (:
Sounds so nice. (:
Its written by a person. (:
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Went to Plaza singapura yesterday. (:
Cousin came my house to stay overnight. (:
Wanted a girls talk, but she slept in less then 30 mins.
LOL. And left me alone on my bed. Hahah.
Slept at around 2 yesterday.
Woke up at 10plus. (:
Mother is away.
To the no words can describe guy, 5letterword, followed by 4letterword guy, altogether 9letterword guy.
Full name,
Cynthia knows who is he. (:
Seriously, I am starting to dislike/hate you.
Seriously, i am.
Not only me that hated you, is alot of people.
Make people so pekchek for what. -.-
You told me that you have changed to a good person. but you did not.
Even Cynthia knows that, She can sense it too.
I will support her all the way. (:
Our view of you are the same.
Everyone is fedup.
Everyone hate your actions, attitude, your everything. -.-
Say you emo, or other things,
Then ask you, dont want say,
FINE. Nevermind, Can understand sometimes you dont want to say.
But, Afterthat, You came to tell me again.
Ask you, dont want say.
Then always say that, 'Aiya, she wont accept de la.
Ask why again, never tell.
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Hello. (:
Going out with my cousin later to plaza singapura or vivo. (:
Finally going out with them. (:
Friends are all preparing for SYF.
All busy. LOL. (:
Shall update more when i come back. (:
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Cross country. (:
Ended school today early.
At 10.10am. (:
Waited for kaijun with faye. (:
When home,
Then go out with meris again. (:
Took lrt to meet with elisha, faye, korina, wency and kaijun. (:
Then sectwos went for the run.
Got 13th for the whole secondary girls.
Meris got 14th, and Faye got 6th. (:
Was so 'not in the mood' when they have prize giving.
People around me are shouting super loud.
Went to mark out attendence as we are late. (:
Went home with meris after that. (:
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Happy birthday. :D
School was so bad for me.
My thoat is so pain for the whole day.
Went around asking people whether they have strepsils.
They answers were. No. LOL.
I am so scare that my voice is gone. (:
Told so many things i saw on Tv to Azizah, Faye and Meris. (:
The song. (:
DnT is so fun. (:
Opened a small party. (:
Pity those guys which have to go workshop. (:
Sorry guys. (:
I have one more can. (: Tomorrow kays. (:
Ate with Meris, Faye, Hidayah, Dhaniah, Ahmad. (:
Teacher still does not knows, HAHAH.
Think he saw us eating alot of times.
We never hide, we just eat, LOL. (:
Told Meris and Faye about the Pub thing. (:
Super funny, We laughed alot. (:
After DnT,
Went home.
The sun's so big.
Its so hot!
I am so scare that i faint, LOL.
Faye walked me to the petir lrt. (:
First time, hahah.
Then i continue my another half myself, (:
Not a few mins later, Azizah ran to me. (:
Saw her, walked with her, (:
Told her the pub thing. (:
Reached home,
After dinner,
Went to seven- eleven to buy Strepsils.
Did not sell. -.-
Think going to spent tomorrow without Strepsils.
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Came back from the doctor not long ago.
And i am down with sorethoat and slight fever. D:
And now, i am lying on my bed, with my laptop on my bed.
My thoat is sososo pain. D:
I am so scare that i lose my voice. D:
St john island brought me so many illness.
Shall not blame it on St john island.
Blame it on my own weakness.
School was okay.
Went home straight after school to change my pe and eat my lunch.
Slept alittle bit.
Was giddy when i came to school.
Dance is music room,
Was cold, having flu and alittle giddy.
After dance,
Went home with hidayah,
On the way out of the music room,
Near the teachers lockers, I accidentally knocked myself on the shelf. LOL.
Hidayah, limfang and amelea saw,
Went to the canteen, then go back home.
Reached home,
Ate, and went to see doctor as mentioned.
Shafiq got the same sickness as me. (:
Dont laugh to yourself ya, SHAFIQ.
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Sick. D:
Went to hospital.
Ate, went home myself, -.-
Bad day.
Sister did tried her best to cheer me up? LOL!
Theres one time, i went to a shop, the song is playing' Never had a dream come true'
HAHA, She say,
Eh jiejie. This song sad hor, Then, she started singing,
I was laughing like non-stop, LOL!
I told her,
Eh, Sing already, the glass broke. (:
She still continue. :D
Mother just dont care about me,
Ate CHEECHONGfan for dinner, (:
I ate Cheechong's son, (:
Went to see doctor, took my medicine. D:
The pills are so BIG, ):
Idontlike, LOL.
I rather i dont eat, i recover slowly, (:
Thats the best way. (:
I never had a dream come true,
Random-ness. -.-
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Sayangsayang. (:
Hello. (:
Just came back from my grandfather house.
I went to stay over night there and everyone came on thursday,
Its like a gathering, (:
My grandfather is so touched when everyone came to visit him, LOL. (:
He's so happy. As i know. (:
Felt so happy that he is happy, LOL.
Cousins came.
Big and small. (:
One of my cousin lend me her spare phone.
HAHA, Let me have a feeling of having a handphone again.
Small cousin snatched my phone,
Pardon me if i had send you blank messages. (:
Or miss called you. (:
And once again, i became their toy, -.-
Haha, they enjoy playing with me or enjoy bullying me, Lol.
I remember thats one time, when my sister go and kick danven.
He straight away go tell his mummy,
And say.
Mummy, Alicia jiejie go kick me. Very tong! Lol.
Then his mother say.
Okay, I sayang you okay, Lol!
Sayang. (:
They went home at night,
But my family stayed over night. (:
Sleep with my baby cousin.
She is super super noisy.
I cannot sleep well with her, Lol!
Was so bored at my grandfather house,
To azizah.
How romantic for a guy caleed kelvin and a girl to HUG when watching a horror movie right.
Who knows,
Maybe he never hug her leh, You will never know until he told you. (:
Dont be too sad. (:
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She's soon to be somebody's girlfriend, (: Kelvin's! (:
See, I got write your BOYFRIEND name.
I am feeling so sick now. DD:
Vomited the whole day yesterday.
Vomited whatever i ate, i rather i dont eat. -.-
Slept at 7 plus.
I dont want to go out later, D:
But i am forced to, Lol.
Need to go and visit my grandfather,
Most slightly going to stay overnight.
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Quiz. :D
tagged from Azizah :D
a) ppl who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog
b) tag 8 ppl to do this quiz. those who are tagged cannot refuse
c) continue this quiz by tagging 8 other ppl
No orders. (:
1) Cheechong ( Happy now? haha, )
2) Ulrica
3) Xueqi
4) Nadiah
5) Joycelyn
6) Jasmine
7) Dian
8) Alicia
1. what have you been doing recently?
- Having dance from monday to wednesday. (:
2. have you ever turn off your phone?
-yea , if its lagging.
3. what happened at 10am today?
-Preparing to go dance. Watching tv. (:
4. when did you last cry?
-Last friday, LOL.
5. believe in fate/destiny?
-Haha, should be yes. (:
6. what do you want in your life right now?
-New phone , more clothes , more money. Friendship last forever, (:
7. do you carry your umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
-Yes. But i always forget to bring and end up walking in the rain, :D
8. what’s your favourite thing to on th bed?
-My winniethepooh. :DDDD
9. what bottoms are you wearing right now?
-FBT. (:
10. what’s the nicest thing in your inbox?
-My phones in Fajarsec, Rotting. -.-
11. do you tend to make your relationship complicated?
-What relationship ?
12. are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
-Wearing now then no. (: But is wear before, have. (:
13. what’s the latest movie that you’ve caught?
-I forgotten! LOL.
14. what are you proud of?
-Azizah, (:
15. what does the oldest text message in your inbox says?
-My phone at fajarsec rotting, -.-
16. what was the last song you sang out loud?
-The show- lenka
17. do you have any nicknames?
-Panda. Sharhan gave me that, -.-
18. what does the newest text say?
-Phone at fajarsec rotting.
19. what time did you go to bed last night?
20. are you currently happy?
-Yes, (: Because i cheered someone up, :D
21. who gives you the best advice?
-Friends. :D Goodfriends. :DD
22. do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
-No. LOL.
23. who did you talk on the phone last night?
-nobody, but i talk on msn, Msn is like my phone now. (:
24. is something bugging you know?
-Yes. School is going to start soon.
25. who was the last person to make you laugh?
Meris, Weiheng, Kaijun.
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Quiz. (:
Type in 16 people's name you can think of now.
Don't read the questions until you've type in all the names of the 16 people.
At the end, choose 5 people to do it.
Girls first, (:
Then boys. (:
No order. (:
1. Meris
2. Faye
3. Azizah
4. Nadiah
6. Joycelyn
7. Germaine
8. Hidayah
9. Dhaniah
10. Ulrica
11. Hizriani
12. Cheechong
13. Xiangwoon
14. Sean
15. Richie
16. Syakir
1) How do you meet 14 ?
- Primary school friend, until now, (: Still friends, (: HE'S THE MR DOTTY. (:
2) What would you do if you had never meet 1 ?
- I will not have so many laughters and craps with her, (: Sharing problems with her too, (: She's the best. (: Loveher, :DD
3) What if 9 and 16 dated ?
- LOL! Dhaniah and syakir? Someone will be jealous if he saw this, (:
4) Will 10 and 16 date ?
- LOL, They dont know each other.
5) Describe number 3.
- She's cute, small and prettyyy. (: She's so good. (: Loveher too. (: She's a softballer too. She can play softball well. (:
6) Describe number7.
- Good question. (: She's the Big chiobu here, (:
7) Do you know any of 12's family ?
- Nope, but he told me about his family members, he have a brother? LOL (:
8) What would you do if 5 say he/she like you ?
-Haha, I will love her back, (: But someone will be jealous too, (:
9) Who is 9 going out with ?
-I think no one. (:
10) When is the last time you last talked to 13 ?
- Yesterday, on msn. (:
11) Who is 2's favourite singer ?
- I dont know. (: hha.
12) Would you ever date 4 ?
- Ofcourse! (:
13) Would you ever date 1 ?
- I always date her. :DDD
14) Is 14 single ?
- Yes, (:
15) Would you ever be in a relationship with 11 ?
- Hahaha, She have her Babyloves. (:
16) What is the school 8 is studying in ?
- Fajarsec.
17) Where does 6 live ?
- Near me? (: She always walk home with me after dance. (: Imissher. D:
18) What is your favourite thing about 5 ?
- A guy, (: And how pretty she is. (:
19) Have you ever seen 5 naked ?
- Siao ar, -.-
20) Have you ever admired 8 ?
- Yesyes. (:
Invite 5 people to do this quiz. ( I add one more. (: )
- Azizah :D
- Cynthia :D
- Dhaniah :D
- Hidayah :D
- Hizriani :D
- Germaine :D
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Dance. (:
Dance today. (:
Had a session with Ms jennifer.
Was raining when i went home.
Home myself, as hidayah need to go the BP to meet her mother, (:
Reached home, ate, sleeppp.
Hahaha, looks like a pig, :D
Was too tired. (:
Dance tomorrow again. (:
With Mr Desmond. (:
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Everyone changed.
Heyy. (:
I miss camp.
I miss instructor David and co.
Was so bored at home,
Dance tomorrow, one more month to SYF.
Is so fast.
I just found out that so many people around me steaded.
I found out that almost everyone changed.
Change to good. (:
Hackcare those rumors, (:
You babyloves believe you can already. (:
Relax kay. (:
Hope you leg get well faster,
I want to dance with you, (:
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Heyy. (:
I did not post for yesterday.
Was too tired and i dont want to think about anything.
Yesterday was a fine day,
Had a programe on conquering your exams,
Slacked lotslots. (:
Went to the washroom with meris, walk around the school. (:
Did cheers, meris is super crazy. I can see that she enjoyed herself. (:
Afterthat, Recess.
Was alittle bit of moody before recess.
Ate, then asked jorene to lend me the present that 2e4 gotten (:
Hugged it, Its good to hug, (:
Like my winniethepooh. (:
Just that smaller in size.
On the way back,
Cannot control, then i cried.
Thanks people for comforting me. (:
Meris, kaijun, jace, yifang, gwen and co, weiheng, kenneth (:
Forgotten already. (:
Weiheng is super funny.
He take the piece of tissue to squeeze inside my spects, Lol.
Went back to the classroom.
Cried again, but not so much, (:
Then went to the sex edu.
Trying my veryveryvery best to laugh.
Was a little bit moody.
After that, Stay at school, then dance.
Gotten my classtee. (:
Nice, but not class, Lol. (:
Later going for my cousin birthday party. (:
Happy birthday, Danven (:
I always think that i am the strongest between meris and faye,
But, i am wrong,
I am the weakest.
Faye and meris are the strongest,
I admire them.
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Camppppp. (:
Heyyoooo. (:
I am back from my 4days3nights camp. (:
Three words to say, FUN.FUN,FUN.
Was in group one.
Knew almost everyone,
My group members are,
Richie, Kaijun, Amos, Alex, Machi and co, Jinhong, Jiahao, Jinjie, Dian, Alicia, Queenie and co, I think thats all. Lastly, Instructor David. (:
Day one.
Raining, raining,
Stayed at the jetty there until the rain stops.
Sit there until butt pain, LOL.
After that, instructors brought us to our hut.
Shower, Then off to have our dinner, (:
Before we eat our food, we must answer a important question.
Andand, iLOVEITLOTSLOTS, *Childish* :D
Here it goes,
Fajar Sec, Are you hungry?
Hungry hungry
Very very
Hungry very
Very hungry
Ji ke la ka pi ya pi ya
Ji ke la ka pi ya pi ya
Me and meris seems to like enjoy ourselves with this cheer, (:
After that,
Night actvities. Called kidnap. (:
Fun. (:
Day two.
Breakfast, activities.
Captian ball, and amazing race,
After that, Chief Mojo ask xiangwoon to lead the cheer,
Aiyooo, Soft! Instructors are louder. (:
Tired, Afterthat,
Night activities.
Candles game, So dark,
Talked to meris, faye and cynthia (:
Day three.
Water activties,
Did not go down,
Stomach too pain.
Slacked with kaijun, tinghao, meris, and some other guys,
I got sunburn.
Hahah, think during lunch or dinner, instructor key told me this.
Eh, You got sunburn leh,
So cute!
Lol. -.-
Redred still cute, Siao. LOL.
After that, one more activitiy,
Also like amazing race,
There's station, called leopard crawl. We will have to crawl with the help of hands and legs only, from the jetty to the basketball court.
After that, campfire,
Groups performed.
After that, is our turn.
Hahaha, danced until sososo funny!
Day four.
Went home. Before that,
Cleaned washroom.
Ate breakfast,
then say byebye to St John Island, ))))):
Took ferry, then bus,
Hahahah, was laughing alot with faye, jinhong, kaijun ( sometimes, (:) And, Weiheng! LOL.
Reached school,
Miss the fajar uniform, Hahah,
See people wear, like funnyfunny, Maybe we wear PE everyday, thats why. (:
Afterthat, go home straight.
Carrying two bags, - sleeping bag and shoebag. (:
Cheers, for the campfire, (:
Turn on th radio and listen to th news , cos we gonna win and you gonna lose. So back, back, back to your seats. then, i forget. (:
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Quiz (:
Quiz. (:
1.Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning ?
Sleepy, Tired.
3.Who was the last person who you took photo with ?
Meris. :D
4.Would you consider to be spoiled ?
Haha, yah. Or Pamperd. (:
5.Would you ever donate blood ?
If it matches. (:
6.Have you have a good friend of an opposite sex?
Friendfriend only. (:
7.Do you want someone dead ?
No. I'm not so evil. (:
8.What does your last text msg say?
Ehy richie stead with ____. -.-
9.What are you thinking of right now ?
Where am i going to eat. (:
10.Did you wish someone was with you right now ?
Yes, all my friends, (: Going for sec2 camp tomorrow, D:
11. When did you go to sleep last night ?
11 plus.
12 .Where did you bought your t-shirt that you are wearing now ?
13.Is someone in your mind right now ?
Yes, :D I am thinking of my camp too. :D
14. Who last the last person who texted you ?
15. People tagged to do this quiz ?
They are not in anyorder. (:
7. Cynthia
9. Dhaniah
10. Hidayah
16. Who is 2 having a relationship with ?
No one. (:
17 . Is 3 female or male ?
18. If 7 and 10 gets together will it be a good thing ?
I don't think so, they will become les. (:
19.What is number 1 study about?
Normal, same as me, only thing is that she is from NA. (:
20.Is number 4 single ?
Think so. (:
21.Say something about number 5.
He's a good person. (: He always lends me things, :DDDDDDD He's handsome. (:
22.What do you think about number 3 and 6 together ?
Get along well? (:
23. Describe no.9 .
She's pretty. (: Good person too. (:
24.What will you do if number 6 & 7 fight ?
Hahah, i will ask them stop, LOL.
25. Do you like number 8 ?
Yes! She's the cute one. (:
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Say goodbye. (:
Heyyo (:
Changed blogskin and blogsong. (:
Tired of the last one, (:
Rotting at home now.
Nadiah conferenceing with me and richie,
Misunderstandings Cleared. (:
Feel good for nadiah (:
Cannot believe that he and ____ stead, Shocked.
But the truth is out. (:
Once again, rotting again at home. (:
Gonna have my dinner maybe at my house, or at my aunty house, (:
Going to play y8 or miniclip again. (: It suits me. (:
Sec two camp tomorrow.
Going to have breakfast with meris. i think so, or maybe not.
Then off to school!
Assemble at hall.
Iamserious. D:
I want a Dickies bagpack. (:
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Die laughing. (:
Today, got a fun, slackish day.
After school, went to look for Ulrica,
She accompany me to buy T-shirt,
But, i cannot find,
Ended up, she ate at the garden plaza.
After that, went for dance,
Danced, then watched the movie that ms chong video when we dance at UCC.
Wrote our reflections, than went home.
Homed with hidayah (:
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Long time. (:
Helloooooo. (:
Its been a long time since i updated,
I have already forgotten what happen this few days, LOL.
Walked school with Ulrica, Duaduadua chiobu today. (:
Ended school, homed with hidayah. (:
Its raining now,
Tomorrow comfirm will rain. D:
Tomorrow there's dance.
Okay, Shall stop now, (:
Played y8, LOL.
For Cheechong,
I wrote your name here. (:
As requested. (:
For Ulrica, Duaduadua chiobu. (:
I wrote your name here, (:
As requested. (:
That sounded lame, LOL
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